Membra Jesu Nostri and Actus Tragicus - Ensemble Correspondances

Pontaumur, Festival Bach en Combrailles

August 8, 2022


A century after the tragic episodes of the Wars of Religion between Catholics and Protestants, Europe once again found itself in a period of relative serenity in the 17th century. On both sides of the Rhine, new forms of spirituality and ceremonial emerged and forged new codes, notably through music. Domestic religious practices also evolved. The Protestant rite was to focus on a form of austerity to encourage concentration on the scriptures alone.

It was in this context that a tradition of spiritual concerts was born, particularly in Lübeck, in more intimate circles, distinct from the traditional liturgy. The now famous musical evenings known as 'Abendmusik' appeared in the middle of the seventeenth century and took place in the Church of St. Mary in Lübeck, bringing together increasingly large devout circles. Dietrich Buxtehude was part of this tradition of Lutheran devotion which lasted until the 19th century and which made the musical reputation of Northern Germany.

Correspondances has recorded one of the composer's best-known cantata cycles: the Membra Jesu Nostri are composed of seven sacred cantatas on the Passion of Christ.

Contact : moc.liamg [ta] gnireah.duam
Photo credit: Béatrice Cruveiller
Website Design & Realisation: Delphine Bugner